Thursday, 22 May 2008

Why Overcomplicate?

After returning from the restaurant last night, I was lying in bed and musing over the different concepts of Love in modern society, and I fell upon a somewhat interesting conclusion:
Love does not exist anymore. Allow me to explain, if you will.

When somebody has love for their country, we call it patriotism. When somebody loves themselves, we call it egoism. When somebody loves another, it is lust.

The list goes on and on, but it strikes me as strange that nowadays we use the word 'love' to describe a deep liking for something. "I love that TV series" does not mean we are physically or emotionally attracted to it; it just means we enjoy watching it. Strange, no?
In French, the concept is simplified. "Aimer" means to love someone, "Adorer" means to like someone or something. "Je t'aime" and "Je t'adore" have two completely different connotations, depending on your relationship with the person. The former is used to show romantic feelings for the subject, and the latter is used to show amicality.

Truely, English is a strange language...

1 comment:

Mr B The Tech Teacher said...

I have to disagree with one point here - love and lust are two different things and while not mutually exclusive both exist independently of another.
I agree with the overuse of the word "love" though. Maybe that's part of what makes the French so romantic, when they say "love" you know they mean it!