Saturday, 28 June 2008

In Six Words

Shiv over at Shiv's Brain tagged me with the following même. Normally I don't do mêmes, but this time I thought the idea was pretty smart. It goes like this:

Write your memoir in six words.

So, without further ado;
"Trying hard to find my place"

Not too profound, but it'll do. Since I hit adolescence, I've been trying to find out exactly who I am. While I still haven't figured it out, it makes for a good mindfuck.
Anyhoo, I'll only tag a couple of blogs with this, if they don't wanna do it, 'tis fine by me. It's a free country after all ;)

1.El Sid's 'You are not special'
2.Plunger Girl

Till next time,
