Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Go to hell, you BNP supporting, white trash cracker.

People are too quick to judge me and the people I know. The youth of today is fucked, there's no doubt about it. We live in an age where music containing lyrics that glorify misogyny and violence is increasingly popular among the impressionable youth. Music that teaches kids it's fun and natural to beat women, treat them like shit and kill other people. How has this example permeated itself amongst the youth of the world today? By associating it with money, of course.
I sometimes think that artists such as 50 Cent are far too quickly condemned however. People condemn their actions and their music, without trying to understand why they consider gang-banging and drive-by shootings permissible. 50 Cent began dealing crack at the age of twelve. This itself is ironic in a way, seeing as his mother was a cocaine dealer, until her death when the rapper was fifteen. It all stopped for him when he was caught dealing in school.
But this isn't about any rapper in particular. It's the culture as a whole. It's a vicious circle: the whites look down on the blacks, making a sweeping generalization, associating them with the rap culture so abundant in modern-day America. This then exacerbates hostilities toward the White community and the circle closes - then starts up again.

When will the segregationist fucktards see that it's no use blaming each other? We need to work together towards a common solution and I am sick and tired of people thinking I'm a naïve, pretentious little shit for trying to promote the message of racial cooperation. It makes me so fucking angry. I'm sick of seeing a world where there is still a race issue. We all live on the same goddamn planet, we all evolved from the same place, so why try to ignore that fact? Caucasian, Black, Asian, whatever. As far as I'm concerned we've all got two eyes, four limbs and a brain. Why not use it instead of giving into the idea that "oh crap, too many immigrants means that we won't be able to preserve the european or american way of life, where we get others to do our work for us!" Hell, without these so-called "illegal immigrants" we wouldn't have people to do the majority of jobs that we need done. You think people enjoy cleaning shit off a floor? No; but they do it anyway, and they stop bitching. So stop bitching and get fucking pro-active about it, you low grade chicken-dicks.

Thank you, come again.

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