Saturday 26 January 2008

And as the Sun Sets...

First of all, sorry for the fact that it's been a few months since my last post. Thing have been rather busy as of late with various money problems and also trying to get the site Taming Entertainment up and running.

As the new year rolls in, I've already been given a hell of a lot to think about. We faced a crisis last week, having to pay €450 for an electricity bill that hadn't been paid in six months. But then a stroke of really good luck came along, my Dad got a new job.

Anyways, on to some stupid, pointless rambling.

We know that the sun will set at the end of every day. A man sits on the side of the highway staring into the horizon. He has no shoes on his feet, and his clothes are tattered. In the pocket of his faded jeans he holds a wallet with a photo of himself as a child, and seven dollars.
At some point in the future, this man will appear in all of us. We'll look up from the office cubicle in which we work and think "Hell, I could be out there living my life!" Then what happens is up to you. You can get up out of the cube farm and voyage, live a little... or you can fold yourself back into the system like a piece of paper.
Yes, we'll all look back at some point and think how life could have been different, had we done or said something different. The question is, how much would you have to change to change the outcome of your life? It's the ever-theoretical butterfly effect I'm talking about. If you do take that chance, say you wear a different shirt in the morning, will a war be prevented? And maybe that's the problem: people don't want to know.

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