Thursday 4 October 2007

Bombs Away! The USA PATRIOT Act Has Come To Play!

Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 is a government legislation in the US that was introduced by (surprise surprise) George Dubya, the latest monkey in the long line of fundamentalist Christians to take the throne. We've all heard of the Patriot Act, but hands up how many people actually knows what it permits the government to do?

First of all, looking at the title, one might think that Bush misunderstood what "USA" stands for. Instead of United States of America, he thought it meant Uniting and Strengthening America. Perhaps in his cocaine-binge heyday someone jokingly told him that's what USA stood for and he was dumb enough to believe it. Hey, weirder stuff has happened, right? 'But what are these Appropriate Tools?!' I hear you cry in confusion. Well, let's take a look, shall we?
One might say that 9/11 was a good thing for the government, in the sense that in the wake of these terrorist attacks on US soil, the government could pass through pretty much any legislation they wanted to, as long as they found some obscure link to the prevention of terrorism. Hell, this could have included a nationwide cull of all Muslims or people suspected of being Muslim (Nazi Germany, anyone?), all in the name of revenge, and kicking Mujah's ass in the name of Uncle Sam. We all drew out a sigh of relief when they didn't, however. Then we drew it back in again when the PATRIOT Act was proposed.
Essentially, the Patriot Act is one massive sham. It gives the government extended powers when it comes to surveillance on the American public. Yes, kids, that's right. You're not safe even in your own home! If the low-income discriminated minority doesn't kill you in your sleep and rape your kids, the Government will come and take you away for having said something un-patriotic. And don't think they wouldn't either.
Slowly but surely, the country's descending into an Orwellian nightmare. 1984-07, right on your doorstep. Speak out against the Patriot Act and you'll be arrested for "supporting terrorism". Oh yes, the government can do it. And legally too. Or at least that's what they want you to think.
And if they can't find proof, they'll make proof, and ship your ass to Guantanamo so fast that you won't be able to protest. Remember, it's not fascism when THEY do it. It's just democracy in disguise!

Back to the act itself. It's comprised of ten "titles", or agendas. They list as so:
In order to keep the masses happy, the government decided to throw a veil over everyone's eyes. The main point of the first Title being the condemnation and banning of discrimination against Muslims.
Now, while I think we can all agree (and if you don't, what the hell are you doing here?) that banning discrimination against any race or creed is a GOOD thing, we have to question the government's motives behind this legislation. It becomes more apparent as the Act goes forward that these laws in particular have been instated to satisfy the 'liberal' public, and in effect try to throw a veil over them so to speak. The government have so little confidence in the intelligence quotient of the average American that they're resorting to this cheap tactic to appease the masses. Well guess what. It didn't work, and the public realized that the Patriot Act was pure and utter BULLSHIT.
This, kids, is the one that hurts. Title II expands the moral and legal restraints imposed by the First Amendment and allows government bodies and organizations to further their surveillance on the public. This includes bugging electronic devices and homes. Oh, but the legislation insists that all this must be done without breaching the First Amendment. But who's going to notice if the CIA or the FBI place a little bug here, or a little one there? After all, they're supposed to be inconspicuous, aren't they?
If you're looking for further proof that the PATRIOT Act is simply an excuse to spy on us, look at Title IV. It would be decent, if not for the simple reasons that
A) The American Economy has grown semi-independent on the flux of illegal immigrants working in the US, since they do the jobs everyone else is too snooty to do
B) It hasn't actually done anything anyway, as there are illegal immigrants getting into the US on a daily basis. Border security is low, and the actual political border doesn't cover the geographical border, therefore there are massive holes in it, enabling illegal immigrants to get through.

All in all, it's the government's way of saying "fuck you" to the taxpayer. They're past caring about YOUR civil liberties; freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion and choice are all dead in the black heart of AmeriKKKa.

Stay safe,


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